C++ implementation of a burst OQPSK demodulator for C-band Aero signals

JAERO v1.0.4 demodulating and decoding T packets from the C-band

JAERO v1.0.4 demodulating and decoding T packets from the C-band

Well it took about hundred more hours of work but I have finally managed to put together a burst OQPSK demodulator for the 10500bps Aero signals found on the C-band. For this I took my initial Matlab design, the recordings I had, the Part III – Inmarsat and MTSAT manual, and went from there.

Generally the implementation followed my initial design but there were a few changes and many details to work out converting it into a C++ implementation. Of the changes I made, I changed some of the burst timing detector. This seemed to perform just as well as the one in the design stage, while the one in the design stage didn’t seem to work very well at all in C++; I’m not really sure why. For carrier frequency estimate I removed the large FFT and instead use two medium sized FFTs instead of the two small FFTs.

With Matlab generally you have all the time in the world as everything is just a vector that is already prefilled. With a real-time application samples come in one at a time and they are usually processed one by one as they come in, this meant the C++ implementation ended up having a lot of delay lines to compensate for all the delays caused by the processing of the samples by various stages. A block diagram of the burst demodulator can be seen in the following figure.

Block diagram of the 10.5kbps burst demodulator used in JAERO

Block diagram of the 10.5kbps burst demodulator used in JAERO

Delay lines like the 288T and the 587T are to compensate for the burst time estimation block, the peak searching algorithm and the Trident buffer. These delay lines change if you were to alter any of these items.

The thing I hadn’t really figured out in my initial design was how to produce an estimate of symbol timing and to give it to the demodulator. Unlike a normal continuous demodulator, a burst demodulator requires symbol timing very early on, you just don’t have the time to slowly adapt over a second. For Aero R packets the whole transmission is over in about 80 ms. The modulated section of the preamble is designed to allow for rapid estimation of symbol timing. In this modulated section one arm is held constant while the other arm flips back and forth each sample, this can be seen in the following figure where “symbol osc” is written.

Real and Imaginary arms of the 10.5kbps R/T preamble

Real and Imaginary arms of the 10.5kbps R/T preamble

A symbol has a period of T seconds so the oscillations produced by this arm are at 1/(2T) Hz. Being OQPSK correct symbol timing is a bit sneaky, you have to sample at 2/T Hz but only one of the arms is valid for each sample time, and what is valid alternates between one and the other. So it’s not just good enough to sample at the correct time you also have to sample the correct arm. This is one trap I fell into. My initial implementation was not reliable and half of the time I would appear to get perfect symbol timing and produce a constellation that looked like noise. This was caused by sampling at the right time but the wrong arm. The reason why this never happens for the continuous OQPSK demodulator for JAERO is that if the wrong arm is being sampled the carrier tracking rotates the whole constellation by 90° which flips the two arms causing the right arm to be sampled at the right time. However, for a 80 ms packet this process is too slow and that’s why I got a constellation that looked like noise. The solution to this problem can be seen in the bottom quarter of the block diagram of the burst demodulator.

The multiplying thing with tanh on it causes the constellation during the modulated section of the preamble to align in the real direction. The T/2 delay causes the oscillation to become a rotation, and the rest is just a PLL (Phase locked loop). This is phase linked to a faster oscillator to produce correct sampling time. The thing I have called Demux alternatively selects between the real and imaginary arms, if it is sampling the wrong arm the slower 1/(2T) oscillator knows this and resets the Demux to sample the correct arm. That was missing piece of the puzzle for me. This means the demodulator adapts to the symbol timing during the modulated section of the preamble and also resolves this which arm to sample ambiguity.

This burst demodulator calculates accurately burst arrival time to within a few samples of its actual value independently of the frequency of the burst. It then calculates the frequency of the burst to within say about 10Hz ish along with its phase. It uses these estimates to acquire symbol timing as well as the which arm to sample ambiguity. After about 50ms the preamble is completed and standard carrier and symbol timing tracking are used.

P C R and T

P C R and T channels are mentioned in the Part III – Inmarsat and MTSAT manual. Although the manual calls them channels they are really just different types of packets.

The P packets are sent continuously and these are the ones that everyone has been receiving and decoding so readily using JAERO on the L band.

I know little about the C packets but these packets contain audio and can also be easily received easily on the L band. Where 8.4kbps seems to be a common rate.

R and T packets are the burst transmission packets that I’ve been working on demodulating. These are the ones that can be received using a C-band antenna. Currently I only know three people who have received such signals including myself. Such signals require a high gain dish but otherwise are not too difficult to receive. The smallest dish used so far has been 1.8 m in diameter. As well as demodulation, decoding is required to make sense of all the ones and zeros received.

R packets are small consisting of 320 bits. These packets are randomly sent by the airplanes in timeslots that my coincide with other airplanes hence packets may collide. These packets seem to be mainly for acknowledgments and various other control activity.

T packets are variable in length from 512 bits to 6080 bits. These packets are also given timeslots to be sent but the timeslots are allocated by the GES to avoid packet collision. These packets are the juicy ones and contain the long ACARS messages with positional information.

To decode any of these packets the first thing you do is put the received data into a matrix of a certain size and read back in a certain way to deinterleave them. For the P and R packets the manual tells you how many columns and how many rows you are supposed to use, for the T packets it’s a different story, they don’t. For the T packets they say you use 64 rows but the number of columns can be anywhere from 8 to 29 columns in increments of three. From what I could tell there wasn’t any simple way you could tell how many columns were required. So my method to solve this problem was, as the data grew ever bigger, put the data into ever bigger matrices and attempt to decode every matrix as if it was valid until either it had more than 29 columns or the CRCs (cyclic redundancy checks) were all valid. If all the CRCs were valid I had the correct number of columns, otherwise either the number of columns were invalid or the packet was erroneous. There is the added complication that you have to do a lot to check if the CRCs are right, as well as putting them into a deinterlever you have to run them through a viterbi decoder, descrambler and finally calculate the CRCs. The following screenshot shows the basics of what is needed to calculate the column size. One convenient feature though is once you’ve calculated the correct column size you have also decoded the data.

Code snippet for finding interleaver size of T packets

Code snippet for finding interleaver size of T packets

You might have noticed that I’m also checking for R packets, that’s because I don’t know whether or not you are tuned into a T channel or an R channel frequency.

Just like for the P packets on the L band, it seems different frequencies have different GES allocations like the following figure shows.

Different frequencies are used for different GESes

Different frequencies are used for different GESes

T channel data

Here is an audio recording of one of the GES82 T channels from my dish with my bad set up. I start with this as a demonstration audio as it’s about as bad a quality as you would want to have. My LNB is not a PLL one the frequency is all over the place and the signal level is low. During making this recording I had to adjust the frequency of the radio just to keep the audio in the bandpass. Another reason is if you use demodulator and decode the signal you see the following two packets.

13:03:29 20-02-16 AES:780783 GES:82 2 .B-6533 ! 10 3 AIRBUS A330-243 AIR CHINA

    M03ACA1338POS190827,N 25.337,E113.473,1040,  464875,,,37092,52000

13:03:51 20-02-16 AES:AA7238 GES:82 2 .N772UA ! B6 0 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


The first packet is obviously a position location as “N 25.337,E113.473” obviously means 25.337° North and 113.473° East and is where the plane should be. Also note “POS” is in the packet which presumably means position. I think these packets go with the one seen on the L band that have the format like “#MDREQPOS037B” which presumably means we requests a position (REQPOS) from the flight control computer (#MD) or perhaps we acknowledge the position as sent by the flight control computer. “M03ACA1338POS190827,N 25.337,E113.473,1040, 464875,,,37092,52000” I assume is how the flight control computer responds or initiates the conversation. So that was easy, however, the format most positions seem to be given in matches that of the second format.

The second format always has ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance) written in it which presumably means ADS-C. Some things are obvious with the format but others such as how the the latitude and longitude values are encoded are not so apparent. Just as with the first format there seems to be a conversation that takes place between some computer on the ground and the flight computer. Perhaps on the L band you seem packets that look like “OAKODYA.ADS.80104S01910B” these packets obviously part of a conversation. This packet that comes from the ground computer is easier and is clearly asking for the position location or more likely acknowledging the position location that was just sent from the flight computer. My guess as to how such a packet is constructed is as follows.

OAKODYA         ADNS address (the message comes from Oakland)
.ADS            it's an ADS message
.80104S         the plane's Registration number
01              presumably 01==ACK (*acknowledge*) 00==NAK (*not acknowledged*)
910B            presumably a 16 bit CRC

The ADNS address I found in a flight operations manual. ADNS might stand for “ARINC Data Network Service” but I’m not too sure.

Splitting up the ADS packet that came from the airplane the same way results in the following.

F3              Flight computer capabilities?
0A              (LF)
UA0873          Flight number
/               (next section)
OAKODYA         ADNS address
.ADS            it's an ADS message
.N772UA         the plane's Registration number
07              packet type
7AC7            16bit CRC

Using a longer and better quality recording of a T channel from Europe I exclusively saw packets of the second format, the ADS format. However, it was still only a couple of minutes long. In fact there was very little other traffic apart from these kinds of packets.

I couldn’t find much information about this type of packet on the web so to understand a little more about the ADS packet format I put together a whole lot of payloads of them in rows like as follows from the European recording and removed the odd ones that didn’t quite match the others.

14244487554D88CA0B981D0D2444471C71C8CA0BD2244446E38E48CA0097F3                          #1
072444AF551308CA0BCC1D0C10C234CB48201041A43E240D2444471C71C8CA0BC9244446E38E48CA00AA20  #2

Almost all the packet types seem to be 0x07 and 0x14. The 23rd column was the only nibble that was always the same so obviously around about that area there must be a boundary. Also quite apparent was the repetition in some of the packets, for example take what I have called #1 and #2, they can be written as follows.

14                              Packet type 
2444 87554D88 CA0B 981D         Payload 1
0D                              0 Boundary marker with the next nibble to align
2444 471C71C8 CA0B              Payload 2
2444 46E38E48 CA00                        
97F3                            16bit CRC

07                              Packet type
2444 AF551308 CA0B CC1D         Payload 1
0C                              Boundary marker with the next nibble to align
10C234CB48201041A43E240D        Payload 2
2444 471C71C8 CA0B
2444 46E38E48 CA00
AA20                            16bit CRC

It gives you an idea of where possible boundaries might be. So if you want a fun activity to do you can figure out how these packets are constructed and how the position information is contained within them.

Finally, for completeness, here is what the R packets sound like.

Real live testing

Until now I had been just dealing with recordings that either I made while other people made before I was able to demodulator and decode these signals. So today with a little more clement weather I took out the deck chair, put the new demodulator on the laptop, and spent some time receiving C-band signals and decoding them on-the-fly. I used the same trick to align the dish with the GPS antenna as I did when I first went hunting for C-band Aero signals.

This time I took a little time to have a look around and too. When demodulating a T channel a signal suddenly appeared and stayed on for a few minutes, looking at it it had the right bandwidth for an 8.4kbps C channel signal so maybe it was some voice traffic. You can see this in the following figure.

GES 82 T channel with a possible voice channel from a plane

GES 82 T channel (right) with a possible voice channel from a plane (left)

Most of the stuff on the C-band did not stay there for very long and almost all of it was bursty in nature. I found one exception to the rule which was the signal in the following figure.

Useful almost constant pilot for tuning dish

Useful almost constant pilot for tuning dish

Most of the time it would just be a constant frequency but occasionally it would quickly do an oscillation back and forth. As it was generally a constant frequency it turned out to be a handy signal to align the dish better.

I tuned into both T GES channels I could find for the satellite I was using as well as having a quick look at the some of the more plentiful R channels. The following logs shows what I got from the satellite during the live test. I just realized now that the time on the laptop was 12 hours and four-minute slow, so “06:32:13 20-02-16” means “18:36:13 20-02-16” NZDT. This means it was about 1 hour fast from UTC time.

06:45:47 20-02-16 AES:78037B GES:82 2 .B-6093 ! BA 6 AIRBUS A330-243 AIR CHINA


06:45:48 20-02-16 AES:A2A38E GES:82 2 .N26952 ! B6 5 BOEING 787-9 DREAMLINER UNITED AIRLINES


06:45:49 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 2 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:45:57 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 1 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:46:09 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 4 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:46:09 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND ! BA 8 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


06:46:10 20-02-16 AES:A2A38E GES:82 2 .N26952 ! B6 7 BOEING 787-9 DREAMLINER UNITED AIRLINES


06:47:17 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND ! BA 9 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


06:49:53 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 7 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:50:04 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 0 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:50:13 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 1 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:50:14 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 9 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:50:51 20-02-16 AES:A9B275 GES:82 2 .N724AN ! B6 7 BOEING 777-323 AMERICAN AIRLINES


06:51:00 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 2 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:51:17 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 3 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:51:35 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 5 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:51:50 20-02-16 AES:A9B275 GES:82 2 .N724AN ! 5Z 8 BOEING 777-323 AMERICAN AIRLINES

    M74AAA0072OS LAX /M56NTBU

06:52:54 20-02-16 AES:78037B GES:82 2 .B-6093 ! BA 7 AIRBUS A330-243 AIR CHINA


06:53:02 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 1 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:53:32 20-02-16 AES:AACC5B GES:82 2 .N795UA ! B6 9 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:53:50 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE L _d 7 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:54:00 20-02-16 AES:A9B275 GES:82 2 .N724AN ! 5Z 9 BOEING 777-323 AMERICAN AIRLINES

    M75AAA0072OS LAX /M56RAR

06:54:07 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 2 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:54:22 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND ! B6 2 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


06:54:33 20-02-16 AES:78037B GES:82 2 .B-6093 ! 10 8 AIRBUS A330-243 AIR CHINA

    M43ACA0194POS180558,S 24.059,E143.318,1558,  462875,,,35997,139240

06:54:37 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! H1 2 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:54:56 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 4 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:55:15 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! BA 5 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:55:35 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 7 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:55:51 20-02-16 AES:A9B275 GES:82 2 .N724AN ! B6 1 BOEING 777-323 AMERICAN AIRLINES


06:56:42 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 8 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:57:38 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! H1 0 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:57:46 20-02-16 AES:7C6C73 GES:82 2 .VH-VPH ! B6 1 BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


06:58:54 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B0 2 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:59:03 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 3 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:59:09 20-02-16 AES:A9B275 GES:82 2 .N724AN ! 5Z 4 BOEING 777-323 AMERICAN AIRLINES

    M76AAA0072OS LAX /FTM

06:59:18 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 6 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:59:33 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! BA 8 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:59:42 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA ! B6 5 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


06:59:45 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 9 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


07:00:01 20-02-16 AES:7C4924 GES:82 2 .VH-OQE ! B6 0 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


07:00:02 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND ! B6 6 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA



06:06:29 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85 2 .VH-OEI ! SA 7 BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:06:32 20-02-16 AES:7C146A GES:85 2 .VH-EBG ! H1 4 AIRBUS A330-202 QANTAS


06:06:40 20-02-16 AES:7C146A GES:85 2 .VH-EBG ! H1 5 AIRBUS A330-202 QANTAS


06:06:56 20-02-16 AES:7C4923 GES:85   .VH-OQD        AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:07:14 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! 88 6 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES

    M56AHA0451/HNLOCHA.MEPAB AT 0514

06:07:15 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:07:33 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! BA 8 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:07:41 20-02-16 AES:7C146A GES:85 2 .VH-EBG ! 87 6 AIRBUS A330-202 QANTAS


06:07:45 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85 2 .N370HA ! H1 5 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:07:54 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85 2 .N370HA ! H1 6 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:07:59 20-02-16 AES:7C4923 GES:85   .VH-OQD        AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:08:17 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:09:20 20-02-16 AES:7C4774 GES:85 2 .VH-OEE ! H1 5 BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:09:41 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! 88 0 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:10:18 20-02-16 AES:7C492A GES:85   .VH-OQK        AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:10:29 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! 57 1 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES

    M58AHA0451MEPAB0514400PADDY0607 594-53060015CLEAR   NONE    M.798/IC NONE     /LATS 21.389 /LONG E163.033
    /GS   473500/CAS 241/ETA 0739

06:10:33 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:10:42 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! B6 3 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:10:49 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! B6 4 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:10:56 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! H1 6 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:02 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! H1 7 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:08 20-02-16 AES:7C4774 GES:85 2 .VH-OEE ! H1 6 BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:11:18 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! BA 0 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:27 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:11:28 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! H1 2 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:35 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! H1 4 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:44 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! BA 5 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:11:57 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! BA 6 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:12:08 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! B6 8 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:12:30 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:12:57 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85 2 .N370HA ! H1 9 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:13:32 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85 2 .VH-OEI ! RB 1 BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:13:33 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85   .VH-OEI        BOEING 747-438 QANTAS


06:13:39 20-02-16 AES:7C4778 GES:85 2 .VH-OEI ! H1 2 BOEING 747-438 QANTAS

    F61AQF0027#M1B/B6 AKLCDYA.ADS.VH-OEI14DC715BE394C80ED02D1D0DDBBBBBEEEEC80E8258D82D843333080E800F85

06:13:57 20-02-16 AES:A46368 GES:85 2 .N382HA ! B6 9 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:14:01 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85 2 .N370HA ! B6 0 AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


06:14:15 20-02-16 AES:A96779 GES:85 2 .N705DN ! B6 2 BOEING 777-232 DELTA AIR LINES


06:14:16 20-02-16 AES:7C492A GES:85 2 .VH-OQK ! H1 6 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


06:14:25 20-02-16 AES:7C492A GES:85 2 .VH-OQK ! H1 7 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS



07:02:04 20-02-16 AES:7C4927 GES:85 2 .VH-OQH M _d 6 AIRBUS A380-842 QANTAS


07:02:25 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85   .N370HA        AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


07:02:27 20-02-16 AES:A4347B GES:85   .N370HA        AIRBUS A330-243 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES


07:04:09 20-02-16 AES:AABD7F GES:82 2 .N791UA T _d 1 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


07:05:57 20-02-16 AES:8991B9 GES:85   B-18311        AIRBUS A330-302 CHINA AIRLINES


07:07:39 20-02-16 AES:A2A38E GES:82 2 .N26952 W _d 8 BOEING 787-9 DREAMLINER UNITED AIRLINES


07:07:39 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND U _d 7 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


07:09:00 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND Z _d 2 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


07:09:04 20-02-16 AES:AACC5B GES:82 2 .N795UA ! Q0 9 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


07:09:10 20-02-16 AES:AACC5B GES:82 2 .N795UA R _d 0 BOEING 777-222 UNITED AIRLINES


07:09:36 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND C _d 5 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


07:09:39 20-02-16 AES:A2A38E GES:82 2 .N26952 Y _d 0 BOEING 787-9 DREAMLINER UNITED AIRLINES


07:09:43 20-02-16 AES:C023AA GES:82 2 .C-FNND D _d 6 BOEING 777-233 AIR CANADA


07:10:04 20-02-16 AES:7C6C70 GES:82   .VH-VPE        BOEING 777-3ZG VIRGIN AUSTRALIA


Mix of some GES82R and GES85R

That should give you a taste of what can be received on the R and T C-band channels. I hope some more people do try out C-band Aero. If you want to give it a go, version 1.0.4 of JAERO now supports these modes. If you do try it out please drop me a line as to how it goes.

I would recommend using the biggest dish you can get your hands on. One source says that they use 9 or 13 m dishes for ground stations. These signals have been successfully received off a 1.8 m dish from the UK so clearly the use of much smaller dishes is possible. Remember that not many amateurs have attempted to receive these signals so what makes a good set up is not really well known. While I have used a regular television C-band LNB for my own set up, if you're serious about receiving these signals then I would recommend against this. I would recommend using the lowest noise figure PLL LNB you can find as the frequency drift when using a regular television C-band LNB means continuously retuning the radio which makes long-term listening to these signals impractical.


Jonti. Last modified Fri, 3 Jul 2020 02:27:47 GMT.